Abdominal workouts (core)


Abdominal workouts are a must in any exercise program. The abdominal (abs) area is probably the one group of muscles everyone would wish to look great. However it is probably the hardest place to burn and lose fat. Also the stomach sits behind the abs and that’s where the bloating feeling appears if it ever appears. So that can make us feel uncomfortable around the abdominal area too.

This is why it is so important to strengthen up your core, to counteract some of the above. The abdominal muscle group is a set of high endurance muscles. This means to get the best out of your ab workout it needs to pretty high intensity. This means the more repetitions you do the better the outcome.

When I say core or 360 core I am referring to all the muscles around the core area. Lots of people do an ab workout and forget to exercise the muscles at the back too. Not all ab workouts involve the whole core and that is something you should watch out for.

Abdominal workouts front

A 360 core workout will work all core muscles seen here in red.

Abdominal workouts back

Abdominal Workouts

Below is a fantastic 360 core workout. In fact this could be the only abdominal workout you need. The more you do this the easier it will become, simply by learning the moves. If you have some ab exercises that you know and like, you can replace mine with one you would rather do. Use this workout as a timer.

360 Abs

Below is my Tums and Bums workout. It focuses on the abdominal muscles but also the bottom muscles (gluteus maximus.) It is a quick tum’s and bum’s blast which only takes about 15 minutes so wont take up your day.

Tum’s and Bum’s

Maybe you want a workout that does the whole body with some abdominal exercises in it too. You could actually do this Monday then the 360 abs on Tuesday, then the tums and bums on Wednesday, then back to this Thursday. Get used to doing that then ad a few more workouts further down the line.

The Perfect Home Workout

The next set of workouts are from my older you tube video uploads. I did love a green screen back then but on the other hand I still do now. Although they are old videos the routines are still good. I used to upload workouts with and without music so people had a choice to play their own music.

Abs Workout – Full 15 minutes for men or women with music

The same workout below but without music.

Abs Workout – Full 15 minutes for men or women no Music

Now for the crazy core workout. Again this is one of my older videos but still a good workout to do. Then below that is the same crazy core workout without music!

The Crazy Core 10 minute Workout with music

The Crazy Core 10 minute Workout no music

As I said above, the core muscles are a set of high endurance muscles so they can handle stress. This also means you can do the ab workouts every day, But with the more fuller routines I would leave it a day or two.

I would rather do my full abdominal workouts one day, then do a workout with a few ab exercises the next day. For example something like the perfect home workout above.

Another great way to give your core a good workout without even doing a sit up is hitting a punchbag. The swinging hooks motion and hitting the bag with power uses the core. If this is something you think you will enjoy check out my BOXERCISE WORKOUTS page.

Finally, if you want a workout program with your ab workouts in it you can check my 12 WEEK FULL BODY PROGRAM page out.

I wish you good luck with whatever path you choose for your fitness, but hope I have helped you with it too.

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