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First off what is a 20m BEEP TEST?

A 20m BEEP TEST is a Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run. That’s why you may of heard it called PACER. Other names for the 20m beep test are Multi Stage Fitness Test (MSFT) or bleep test.

Basically it is a way for you or an organisation to test a persons physical fitness. Used by the British Army and the British Police force as part of their enrolment programs for years.

The 20m BEEP TEST Rules

Place 2 markers 20 meters apart. On the sound of the first beep you must run to the next marker before the next beep sounds.. DO NOT leave that marker until you hear the next beep. Keep doing that until you fail to reach the marker before the beep. This is how your physical fitness will be marked.

There are 21 levels, each level will have from 7 to 16 marker runs. Each levels marker runs will get quicker and quicker. See how many marker runs each beep test level has below-

20m Beep Test levels and run counts

The beep test video!

Here is the FREE download 20m Beep test audio file! Download the audio file to your device so you can do this test anywhere at anytime. If you join my bandcamp page you can keep an eye on any other fitness audio files I create.

TIPS for the 20m beep test training

If you have a 20m beep test coming up and want to start training for it, here are a few tips.

1- Pace yourself – The test lasts about 23 minutes so you need to build up your cardio and stamina. You can do this simply by exercising on a treadmill or jogging out on the street. Although this is building up your stamina it is not training you for the constant change of direction. If my calculations are correct during the 23 minute run you will be doing 247 – 180° degree change in direction.

The heavier you are the more toll this change in direction will take from your performance. So remember running for 23 minutes is not the same as doing a 20m beep test. I used to run on a treadmill building up to 45 minutes, then run between 2 markers 10 meters apart. These markers were only used to build up what ever muscles I used to switch direction. I ran from marker to marker at my own pace 400 times.

2- Don’t cross the line – If you are doing 247 changes in direction and you cross the line by 2 foot each time, which is easily done, you are running 494 extra feet. That’s an extra 7 and a half 20 meter lengths. So, just touch the line with your toes because this is all that is required, turn and run on the beep. It sounds petty, however these little things help you do your best in this test.

3- Pre Beep Tests – When you do your beep test you will be judged by what stage you are on when you miss a beep. When you are doing a beep test in training and miss a beep, DO NOT stop, get your breath back and leave on another beep. This way you are still pushing yourself and building stamina.

4- Fuel for the test – After all that training and the time you put into passing this test, the last thing you want is not feeling right on the day. Make sure you eat the right foods to give you energy for the test. Also take a quick energy snack because your test may be at 1pm but it could always be a couple of hours later. This means your body will start to run low on fuel. Be careful not to eat the snack too close to the test as it could play with your digestion.

5- Comfortable Clothing – This one may sound obvious but it is well worth pointing out. As I said before, the lighter you are the easier the change in direction. Make sure the clothes you are wearing are comfortable for movement but also don’t get too heavy when wet . Once you start to sweat your outfit will become heavier and this could throw a spanner in the works at the later stages.

Well that is all the tips I can give you. These tips were based on my own 20m beep test that I trained for and passed back in 2017. I completed all stages but that doesn’t mean you have to. Check with your instructor or the company running the test what the pass rates are. You may not need to train for completion, although if it was me I would train to smash it.

I wish you all the luck with whatever you are building up your physical fitness for. If you are doing it just to keep fit you maybe interested in my 12 WEEK full body PROGRAM or my 15 WEEK weights and fat burn PROGRAM!

The 12 week program is a full body workout with no weights required. You can use weights if you want to push yourself a bit more, and I would rather you did. You only need light weights so click the link above to find out more.

The 15 week program involves more weights so you will need a weight set up. Click the link above to find out more information.

It is always good to hear from people that have found their way onto my site, especially if they have found my help useful. Feel free to contact me via any off my media platforms HERE!

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Good luck with your steps towards fitness!

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